
Learn How Dealers Can Leverage YouTube To Sell Accessories

Posted by Jason Lancaster on Dec 27, 2018 9:00:00 AM

YouTube offers tremendous opportunities for dealers. By observing a few Internet video best practices, you can promote vehicles, sell accessories, and build a fan base from this one platform. Here are two examples of auto dealers that promote vehicles and sell accessories with video that we can all learn from.

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Topics: Sales Best Practices, Customer Retention, Increase Profits, Marketing, Toyota, Dealership, Subaru, Vehicle Personalization, accessories, Luther Brookdale, Adventure Subaru, creative, content, social media, YouTube

The A.R.T of Automotive

Posted by Trey Bodwin on Jul 17, 2018 1:30:00 PM

Changes made to image. Courtesy of  Haiden Goggin. license information here

Car buyers like to feel good about their investment - and if you’re running a dealership you wouldn’t have it any other way. Customers in the market for purchasing a vehicle have more buying options than ever before. The convenience of the internet has led to streamlined transactions, rather than a car-buying experience.

Subaru of Clear Lake Parts manager Nick Heidaker expresses the importance of an accessories program at his store, “Our customers find value in personalizing their vehicles—it also gives us a chance in parts/service to meet the customer before their first service appointment.”

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Topics: Accessories System, Sales Best Practices, Customer Retention, Increase Profits, Toyota, Dealership, Vehicle Personalization, accessories, Showroom, accessory program, Educate, customers, Best Practice, success, sans marcos toyota

OnTrack 1.0 is Here;Toyota Dealers Upgraded First

Posted by Whitney Williams on Aug 1, 2017 3:28:05 PM

Insignia customers, you are about to be upgraded.

Insignia's OnTrack 1.0 will release on August 7 and you’re going to love what you see. A sleek, modern new interface that’s easier to navigate because you deserve it. We’re proud to introduce OnTrack to our Toyota dealers who number close to 20% of TMS stores. This is our first step towards a complete revamping of the system to more closely align with your showroom process.

You read that right--when our customers give us feedback on what isn’t working in real-life accessory presentations, what would make vehicle personalization sales that much better, and what this system looks like in a perfect world, we listen.

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Topics: Accessories System, Presentation Tools, Accessory News, Increase Profits, Marketing, Toyota, accessories, Showroom, sales, Millenials

Toyota of Portland: Vehicle Personalization Gives New Hire Chance to Succeed

Posted by Whitney Williams on Jul 27, 2017 3:00:00 PM

If you thought middle school gym class was nerve wracking, how about your first day in car sales?

Being the fresh face on the sales floor can be intense. There’s a lot to be learned and plenty of competition. While healthy dealerships foster a team atmosphere that builds each individual up, a desire to prove oneself is prevalent in the showroom.

With incentive checks, recognition, and promotions at stake, it’s no wonder that every good salesperson wants to be number one. When that need to achieve is nurtured in a good-natured environment, these highly motivated salespeople lay a sturdy foundation for profitable dealerships to build upon. But how do dealerships acculturate the new guy (or gal) to the competition without discouraging them?

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Topics: Accessory News, Increase Profits, Process Training, Toyota, Dealership, accessories, staff, sales team, sales, accessories installations, Educate