YouTube offers tremendous opportunities for dealers. By observing a few Internet video best practices, you can promote vehicles, sell accessories, and build a fan base from this one platform. Here are two examples of auto dealers that promote vehicles and sell accessories with video that we can all learn from.
Learn How Dealers Can Leverage YouTube To Sell Accessories
Topics: Sales Best Practices, Customer Retention, Increase Profits, Marketing, Toyota, Dealership, Subaru, Vehicle Personalization, accessories, Luther Brookdale, Adventure Subaru, creative, content, social media, YouTube
Diary of a Dragon Slayer: The real world of Vehicle Personalization
How many of you are dragon slayers? No, I don’t mean fire-breathing, over-sized-lizard-with-large-talons-and-wings slayers. I’m talking about the legendary, eleven mile, exhilarating, heart-pounding, magnificent stretch of asphalt you may know as the Tail of the Dragon.
Topics: Subaru, Vehicle Personalization
What can we learn from Subaru's gargantuan gains?
It’s shaping up as another big year for the auto industry. If projections hold true, it’d make six consecutive years of growth for car makers. Experts forecast 17 million sales for 2015. This bright outlook extends across the board for auto makers. Yet, one stands above with an incredible boost in first-quarter operating profit.
Topics: Increase Profits, Subaru