Used cars are having an influencer moment. In incredibly high demand, boasting lofty price tags they once only dreamt of, used cars are center stage in the automotive industry. Gone, at least temporarily, is the stigma of used vehicles being old clunkers. The used car stereotype has been replaced by an image of a shiny 2017 model, being fought over by prospective buyers. In 2021, used car buyers aren't always strapped for cash, looking for a bottom dollar deal, or someone hardly interested in aesthetics. Used car buyers are everywhere you turn, and the profit potential is limitless. By adding protection accessories to your used car lineup, you'll increase the car's longevity and create a satisfied customer—who will soon forget they were ever after a 2022 model.
Topics: Vehicle Personalization, accessories, used cars
The automotive industry had one of the most striking yo-yo effects, from the onset of the pandemic to today. First, Covid shocked the globe and shut dealerships doors, causing everyone to fret about the industry's future. Today, we're navigating chip shortages and selling units for more money than we were before the virus. In a fascinating turn of events, used cars are increasingly harder to come by, new vehicles are selling like Black Friday specials, and inflation is staggering. With no end to the chip shortage in sight, dealers are progressively focused on moving used vehicles. Through the use of technology upgrades, you can create the vehicle your customer really wants—regardless of inventory. You'll give any old vehicle a serious makeover, create a satisfied customer, and turn a profit without overcharging.
Topics: accessories, technology, used cars, accessory sales