News and PR

JLR Nashville Launches First “SVO” Department

Posted by Whitney Williams on Nov 14, 2017 1:00:00 PM

Just a few months back, Insignia launched Jaguar Land Rover-branded virtual configurators to take JLR’s vehicle personalization market to the next level. Brenda Fevrier,Vehicle Accessories Sales and Marketing Senior Specialist at Jaguar Land Rover predicted “this innovative system will make average stores great, and excellent stores outstanding at satisfying the needs of their customers first.”

Luxury brand dealers know the art of the customer experience well and recognize perfection as a moving target. That’s why JLR took digital personalization in the showroom and turned it into so much more.

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Topics: Accessories System, Accessory News, Increase Profits, Dealership, accessories, Showroom, staff, sales team, Educate, JLR

Adventure Subaru is ALL IN; sales assoc. takes home $2k in just two months

Posted by Whitney Williams on Sep 21, 2017 12:38:16 PM

The famous marketing adage that quips “a good product will sell itself” holds a lot of weight in the vehicle personalization realm. Automotive accessories are a multi-billion dollar industry; any step in this giant’s direction will yield a few bucks.

When Adventure Subaru in Fayetteville, Arkansas, reviewed profitability on their accessory program, they saw that it was good. Without much concerted effort, General Manager Tim Hurd reported the dealership “stumbled over $20,000 in accessories each month.” Approaching Insignia Vehicle Personalization Expert, Kurt Daughtery with this finding, Hurd challenged Kurt with using the Insignia system to double monthly accessory profit. Kurt’s reply? “No pressure!”

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Topics: Accessories System, Presentation Tools, Increase Profits, Dealership, Subaru, staff, Educate

Remarkable insight at the Mark Miller Toyota pep rally

Posted by Whitney Williams on Jun 22, 2017 2:02:53 PM

“This is absolutely a team effort,” says General Manager Bill Niemann, surrounded by his showroom staff and accessories team

Mark Miller Toyota of Salt Lake City, Utah, reached a milestone in 2016. For the first time in the duration of their accessory program, the dealership clocked over one million in accessory sales in the showroom. Reaching this level requires diligence, and as per norm, we were interested to find out the driving force in this store. As the entire sales team gathered for the presentation of the Insignia challenge coin, the inspiring support within this store proved itself evident as the foundation for success.

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Topics: Increase Profits, Toyota, Dealership, Challenge Coin, accessories, sales team, Mark Miller Toyota

Tufankjian Toyota: Loyalty Builds a Lasting Foundation

Posted by Whitney Williams on Jun 15, 2017 2:00:00 PM

We have all seen the empires built in a day: pop-up fads bringing mega success that are here today and gone tomorrow. The lure of getting rich quick can lead organization’s astray from taking the proper steps, like adequate preparation and training, before launching a new program.

Toyota of Braintree in Braintree, Massachusetts didn’t take the bait. From the beginning, the Toyota dealer committed to waylaying fast results and laying a solid foundation to build upon. Month over month, the dealer built their personalization program--and their labor hasn’t been in vain. Toyota of Braintree, the longest standing member of Insignia’s million dollar club, just marked their sixth year of over a million dollars in accessory sales in the showroom.

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Topics: Accessories System, Increase Profits, Toyota of Braintree, Toyota, Dealership, Challenge Coin, Vehicle Personalization, Showroom, sales

Morrie’s Subaru: Snowball that can’t be stopped

Posted by Whitney Williams on Jun 6, 2017 1:00:00 PM

Evolution: (noun) The gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.

Management at Morrie’s Minnetonka Subaru took the desire to add front end gross in their showroom and set it in motion. Starting with will, direction, and thorough training, the desire developed into a more complex form as a process unique to the store was realized. This Minnesota dealer is one to watch, as its success in accessory sales snowballs.

We talked with management about the birth of this process, and the impressive gains enjoyed over the last twelve months. A common theme emerged: the team is playing together. Comprehensive support for Vehicle Personalization laid a healthy foundation and allowed for continual, methodic growth that hasn’t slowed down.

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Topics: Accessories System, Improve CSI, Increase Profits, Process Training, Customer Success, Dealership, Subaru, Vehicle Personalization, accessories, Showroom, staff, sales

Sonic dealership continues high-volume pace using accessories strategy

Posted by Whitney Williams on May 23, 2017 2:10:00 PM

If there were a school for how to master this car dealership thing, you’d read about Denver’s Mountain States Toyota in the history book. Consistent vision. Unrivaled dedication to the success of each team member. Well over two million dollars in accessory sales for two years running.

General Sales Manager Sean Kramer reflects on the incredible accomplishments of Mountain States Toyota.

"We’ve seen tremendous growth in sales volume and accessory sales since implementing our Insignia process about two and a half years ago,” Kramer explains.

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Topics: Accessories System, Sales Best Practices, Accessory News, Increase Profits, Process Training, Marketing, Customer Success, Toyota, Dealership, Challenge Coin, Vehicle Personalization, accessories, Showroom, Mountain State, Sonic Dealership

From Good to Great: Process Increases Sales of Subaru Personalization

Posted by Whitney Williams on Mar 1, 2017 5:51:13 PM

There is always room for improvement.

That is the attitude of the management of Sellers Subaru in Macomb, Michigan; especially knowing that customers are going to buy accessories from somewhere.

The Sellers team recognized personalization as a way to get their customers exactly what they want, while simultaneously adding value to the vehicle. Leading their zone, the dealership was content with their vehicle personalization process. That’s when the dealership was chosen to be part of Subaru’s Mid-West Regional pilot program with Insignia.

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Topics: Increase Profits, Process Training, Subaru, accessory program

Toyota of Braintree accessory champ to sell $2 million...

Posted by Insignia Group on Aug 15, 2012 8:00:00 AM

Last year, accessory champion Bill DeTellis sold $1.4 million in vehicle accessories over 11 months. He averaged over $830 per vehicle sold at Toyota of Braintree. As of July 2012, Bill is on track to hit his $2 million sales goal. He recently celebrated his best month yet with $183,958 in accessory sales. These numbers do not include revenue generated in service and parts! 

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Topics: Accessory News, Increase Profits, Toyota of Braintree

75.9% of $185K in accessory sales came from 1 product!

Posted by Insignia Group on Mar 15, 2012 8:00:00 AM

“Here comes another HOT summer, you’ll probably want a remote start like the last customer”

Spare your customer the inconvenience of hopping onto those hot leather seats. A remote start will cool the car down in advance. What a valuable recommendation!

“Winters right around the corner, you’ll probably want a remote start like the last customer”

Spare your customer the inconvenience of freezing their butt off in the winter. A remote start will heat the car up in advance. Wow…this dealership really cares about me!

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Topics: Accessories System, Sales Best Practices, Increase Profits