If Vehicle Personalization were personified, he’d be a man in his 30s. Think — former military, total gearhead, unmatched drive (pun intended), and always learning. We’d name him Grady Cooper. Actually, his mother named him Grady Cooper. Meet the Special Projects Manager at Step One Automotive Group in Crestview, Florida. Yes, the embodiment of Vehicle Personalization is not a myth, but a man, and he hails from the Sunshine State.
News and PR
Florida Automotive Group Embodies Vehicle Personalization
Topics: Improve CSI, Customer Success, accessories, staff, customers, success, service, Accessories sales, Next Up Accessories
Harry Brown’s Family Automotive in Faribault, Minnesota skipped crawling, felt no need to walk, and went directly from rolling over to sprinting as an infant client. This Guided Development customer is the new child prodigy as they make leaps and bounds in record time. Vehicle Personalization Expert, Kurt Daughtery, is the proud father and is already predicting this kid puts himself through college as we all stand in awe of the remarkable progress they’ve made in their first full month using the program.
Topics: Accessories System, Sales Best Practices, Customer Retention, Improve CSI, Service Conversions, Reducing Turnover, Increase Profits, Dealership, Vehicle Personalization, accessories, Showroom, staff, sales team, sales, salesman, dealer, mopar, guided
5 reasons why Hyannis Toyota is a prime example of how accessory sales should work
Long ago when the Mayflower landed, weary pilgrims climbed out of the boat and onto Cape Cod. It is rumored that this location is where famous explorer John Smith prophesied that Massachusetts would be the home of a wise ruler who would lead his people to automotive greatness with diligence and commitment.
This prophecy was (obviously) fulfilled in Bryan Scarpellini, General Manager, at Hyannis Toyota in Hyannis, Massachusetts. (Disclaimer: There is potential that a portion of this history lesson was fabricated.)
Working together with Insignia Vehicle Personalization Expert, Jason Ludwig, Hyannis Toyota quickly absorbed the passion for pizzazz and all things personalization were born.
Topics: Accessories System, Word Tracks, Presentation Tools, Improve CSI, Reducing Turnover, Increase Profits, Process Training, Toyota, Dealership, Vehicle Personalization, accessories, Showroom, staff, sales team, sales, Best Practice, success, drive, relationships, Accessories sales, Hyannis Toyota, tips
Could creating a highly profitable accessory program in your store be as simple as following best practice tips?
Well, yes.
Hurlbert Toyota is the epitome of success in the making. This won’t be the last you hear of this store. In fact, this is only the beginning. Maybe you’re the type of person who likes bullet points or a handout; someone who thrives on a plan. This story is for you. Take your copy of Insignia’s best practice tips, and follow along step by step as the magic unfolds.
Topics: Accessories System, Sales Best Practices, Customer Retention, Presentation Tools, Improve CSI, Increase Profits, Process Training, Toyota, Dealership, Vehicle Personalization, accessories, accessory program, customers, Best Practice, Hurlbert Toyota, success
Clements and Jay Wolfe: sales associate use personalization to create a great experience, extra income
No matter the brand, location, or dealership size, every dealer in America has common challenges they face. High turnover in the showroom and the illusive perfect CSI score do not discriminate--these are obstacles known by all.
There’s change in the air, and it’s been a long time coming. As the industry embraces the “customer experience over everything” approach, it’s increasingly evident the transformation has to come from within.
If dealerships want their sales staff to create a “sit down and stay a while” atmosphere for their customers, we’ve got to hire and nurture a sales staff that will sit down and stay a while too.
Topics: Accessories System, Customer Retention, Improve CSI, Marketing, Customer Success, Dealership, Showroom, staff, sales team, sales, Educate
Morrie’s Subaru: Snowball that can’t be stopped
Evolution: (noun) The gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
Management at Morrie’s Minnetonka Subaru took the desire to add front end gross in their showroom and set it in motion. Starting with will, direction, and thorough training, the desire developed into a more complex form as a process unique to the store was realized. This Minnesota dealer is one to watch, as its success in accessory sales snowballs.
We talked with management about the birth of this process, and the impressive gains enjoyed over the last twelve months. A common theme emerged: the team is playing together. Comprehensive support for Vehicle Personalization laid a healthy foundation and allowed for continual, methodic growth that hasn’t slowed down.
Topics: Accessories System, Improve CSI, Increase Profits, Process Training, Customer Success, Dealership, Subaru, Vehicle Personalization, accessories, Showroom, staff, sales