Welcome to Next Up, Accessories - where we connect your Next Up and Vehicle Personalization to help you make more money and happier customers - what is Vehicle Personalization? That’s the process in your showroom where you present customization to your buyer. It is a proven methodology to increase your paycheck, give customers what they want and sky rocket your CSI scores. For more about Vehicle Personalization and how you can get your dealership making happy customers - check us out at www.insigniagroup.com.
In this episode, we talk to John Petersavage GM at Tucson Subaru during our #DiplomatRide interview. John as the GM plays a critical role in maintaining Vehicle Personalization as part of the culture of the store and they are CRUSHING IT! See how his team has made vehicle accessories a successful part of their dealership.
Afterwards, we get to know a team member of Insignia Group Sarah Patterson. Sarah is part of Insignia's data team and plays a crucial part in Insignia's accessory system. Get to hear her personal story and adventures at SEMA!