The automotive accessory market has continued to climb year after year, with projections of reaching a $335 billion market value in the next decade.
Despite the laser focus on the last few years, the automotive industry has had ebbs and flows since its inception. Whether it’s an economic downturn, inflation, politics, a pandemic, or the introduction of electric vehicles, the history of automotive is a checkered one.
Yet accessories remain largely unaffected by outside circumstances and instead continue their steady increase in popularity and profitability.
Insignia Group created this report so you can see what type of accessories your Subaru customers are buying. The top ten accessories reflect the most popular accessories sold through the Insignia Group accessories selling system over the last year. Use this to increase your revenue and find new lead-in products!
In this report, you'll learn:
- The trend in the accessory industry
- Top-selling accessories for your OE
- How to increase your sales in 2024