Dealership Strategy Blog | Auto Accessory Sales | Insignia Group

Top 10 Car Tech Accessories for 2021 | Insignia Group Blog

Written by Whitney Williams | Aug 16, 2021 4:54:04 PM

The year was 2009, and I'd just moved to the big city for my first job out of college. Sporting a pink razor flip phone, I was ready to take on my first sales territory. The problem was, I didn't know how to get there. So a co-worker loaned me his TomTom navigation system, gave me a crash course in how to use it, and I set out into the world. 

Fast forward a couple of decades, and we're projecting navigation onto our dash—after getting in a car that we started from inside. The kids are watching YouTube videos in the back seat, and we're holding a casual conversation with Alexa as we merge onto the freeway. Those are just the basics, of course. 

Technology is available through O.E. and aftermarket for both new and used cars. Yes, even old faithful with the cassette player is eligible for some tech upgrades nowadays. So whether your customer is releasing their teen onto the open road or running a corporation, there's a tech accessory that will make the drive easier, safer, or more fun. Guaranteed! 

Top 10 Tech Accessories Customers Want in Their Cars

Most consumers can probably name at least one thing off the top of their head that they'd change about their current vehicle. Scratch the surface on accessory options, and you'll find that there are a plethora of options for staying on budget and getting a tailor-made car. Check out some of these popular 2021 tech accessories for your next car sale.

  1. Lanmodo Vast | A dash camera that brings difficult driving conditions into sharp focus, this accessory can make a huge difference when navigating the roads and get you home safely. When night driving, fog, or rain make it hard to see, Lanmodo Vast offers a wide-angle, high-resolution viewpoint of what's ahead. It's an excellent accessory for any driver and may particularly appeal to parents and elderly drivers. 
  2. Remote Start | Remote starts aren't going anywhere because they're fantastic! Paint this picture for your prospective buyer: it's a cold winter morning. Your dash is covered in a layer of ice that needs to be scraped off, and you can see your breath from inside the car. You're already running late for work, and now you have to wait for the ice to start thawing before you can make any headway. The minutes tick by. All this morning drama averted with a remote start, which is highly affordable when rolled in with monthly payments. This also works for heat. Flip on the A.C. from inside the house, so you don't sweat through your work shirts before you get to work!
  3. Rear Seat Tablet Holder | Although it's not exactly cutting-edge technology, rear seat tablet holders are worth every penny for long trips with kids. If the vehicle doesn't come with a pulldown DVD player, this should sell itself to families. In the first half of this year, tablet holders have been one of the top sellers through Insignia Group's accessory selling system across dealerships nationwide. 
  4. Apple Car Play and Android Auto | Nowadays, smartphone integration is standard for a new car purchase, so what about customers wanting to accessorize their older vehicle? Chances are, you'll probably see plenty of older models in the service drive and have the ideal relationship to upsell them an Apple Car Play/Android Auto head unit. Not only is it safer to follow navigation and answer calls this way, it's also fun! Open up the world of playlists and podcasts to your customer driving a 2005 model today.
  5. Amazon Echo Auto | Alexa-to-go appeals to multi-tasking drivers. A home echo device makes it easy for people to find out information, turn lights or music on and off, set up reminders, and more—so an automotive version is a natural leap. A hands-free approach to getting the to-do list done is made possible by connecting to the Alexa app on a customer's smartphone. (Make sure to check for compatibility on this one).
  6. Blue Driver | Whether the driver is prone to call the mechanic for every bump in the road or ignore every light until they're broken down, BlueDriver has its place. Using the car's OBD2 port and an app, a driver will be able to access basic information about the car's health—keeping it running better, longer. 
  7. Dash Cam | Dashcams continue to get more advanced with mirror versions, parking assistance, impressive range, cloud accessibility, voice-enabled options, and more. Not only can a dash cam be crucial in the event of an accident, you can also sell it as a fun accessory for capturing videos of you and your family on a road trip! This tech accessory can be bundled with protection items as well since it has so many safety features. 
  8. Hudly | Not only is this portable projector cool, it's a safety feature. Newer drivers, or those with trouble reading small fonts, will appreciate having navigation projected on the windshield. And less time looking away from the road is always a good thing. 
  9. HomeLink | This is another accessory to make the driver's life easier. It's a vehicle-based control system that lets you control your garage or gate, appliances, and lights, along with activating or deactivating a home security system—all from the car. Customers will love the idea of turning the stove off when they remember it halfway to their destination; or turning lights on to greet them as they come in at night. 
  10. MUSTART portable E.V. charger | As more and more people acclimate to the idea of electric vehicles (V.W. I.D. 4, anyone?), this accessory will become a must. Rather than pushing it to get to a power station, your customer can use their charger to get back on the road. The E.V. charger is up to 4x faster than a traditional plug-in and compatible with all-electric vehicles. Use this as a lead-in product when selling an E.V. 

Tech accessories are at the top of every customer's list, whether upgrading their older model or outfitting their new car with the latest technology. Don't shy away from offering technology upgrades at every car sale. There truly is something for everyone. Customers need you to explain the benefits in a way that makes it relate to their life. Try leading in with one of these tech accessories or bundling them into a custom package to boost your bottom line. 

Insignia Group Makes Tech Accessory Sales Easy

While exterior accessories are much easier to sell when a customer can visualize them, tech accessories require a quick explainer from the salesperson. Something as simple as, "You said earlier that you have some teens that love snowboarding, which is why we are hooking you up with the winter sport cargo holder. That being said, your teens will be driving soon! Have you given any thought to some safety tech to keep them safe and possibly lower your insurance premiums?" Then you can show them some tech in the catalog or talk to them about some options they could order and have installed at your dealership. The biggest reason people don't buy accessories at the point of sale is that they don't know they can! So use our software to introduce them to the things they will likely buy within the next 90 days and bring revenue to your dealership.

See our demo today and get started on selling vehicle accessories in the showroom!